Zoom Interviewing  Training to Ace the Interview In Today's Competitive online Environment.

Interviewing on line requires that you take your interview techniques to a new level of expertise when "on camera" for an interview.

Female employee interviewing on video call with the hiring manager.

Online Interviewing is the New Normal

Your Background

During an online interview call, backgrounds can enhance the way you are perceived. Be sure that you have a simple, clean background that highlights you and not what's behind you. If you are using a "virtual" background available on some online platforms, be sure that you choose a simple, non-distracting one.


Where you position yourself for your online interview matters - a lot! Prepare before hand to select the best location in your home or office to ensure that you are presented in a positive light. One tip is to use your cell phone to walk around the house to determine the best location that includes the best lighting and background possible.

Your Appearance

Remember always to dress professionally - as if you are going into the office for an interview. Business attire is a must. That does not mean a suit and tie (if that is not called for), but it does mean looking professional and dressing professionally. Hair, makeup, and accessories for women matter. For men, the same goes. Men might also want to take a cue from newscasters and apply a bit of powder to avoid a less complimentary shine.

Your Sound

Use a non-intrusive headphone set (such as those that come with an iPhone) rather than the large over the head and earphones that tend to "date" you. Test your sound quality BEFORE the call to ensure that your voice is coming through clear and can be heard by the interviewer. Also, try to limit the amount of background noise that you have at your location.

Your Technology

Test your technology before any interview to ensure that everything is working correctly. Also, make sure that you are familiar with the interview platform that the company will be using. Ask what platform will be used when setting up the interview date and time and then practice logging on. Be sure to get familiar with the controls that you may be required to use during the call.

Rehearse till You Sound Natural

You can become skilled at an online interview! Confidence is a critical factor in how you are seen when on camera. Rehearsing until you feel comfortable with how you look on camera, how you answer questions that an interviewer may ask you and how well you are perceived as the ideal candidate for the job depend on the "on camera" skills that you develop today.


You Don't Have to be Perfect

Being on camera is traumatic for many. My clients initially told me that they were initially uncomfortable with the "always-on" aspect of online interviewing. The truth is, you don't have to be perfect. Being human during the interview is not only expected but often desirable. If you give an answer that you feel could be presented better, tell the interviewer. He or she will understand and most likely provide you another opportunity to answer again. If you are nervous, say so. During my interviewing days, I found that many candidates were nervous in the initial part of the interview, but after a brief time, they felt more comfortable and therefore answered in a much more relaxed state. You can accomplish this too!

Prepare Well

Today's message to in-transition individuals is that preparation is the key to interviewing success and even more critical with online interviewing. The camera sees everything. It is a lot different than in-person interviewing. Practice can give you the skill, confidence, and credibility that shines during the interview. Knowing the skills you bring to the table that match the open job, the hiring manager's needs and how your qualifications fit and complete knowledge of the company you are interviewing with go a long way to demonstrate that you are the best candidate for the job!

Use Note or Don't Use Notes

There are lots of opinions about whether or not to use notes during an online interview. If you have prepared well and know the job and how your skills and qualifications fit the job, you probably can interview better without notes. However, some individuals are more comfortable using brief notes to jog your memory about a specific skill or accomplishment that you want to ensure you talk about during the interview. Whether or not to use notes is up to you but be sure not to rely too much on them during the interview. Eye contact is critical in our culture for sending a message of confidence and competence!


It has always been said that you can "hear" a smile over the phone. My advice is to smile during a conversation to relay confidence and comfort. It is especially important in an online interview. Research shows that smiling sends a message that says, "let's connect." That is an excellent message to send when interviewing.

Have a Backup Plan

Have a Plan B when scheduling an online interview. We all know (and dread) that technology can fail us at the exact moment that we need it. If you have a situation in your home or home office that could interfere with your scheduled interview but sure to let the interviewer know about the issue. For example, you could switch to a different computer or perhaps reschedule your interview. One other important note is to be comfortable with the interview platform that will be used during the interview. You don't want to be fumbling with technology and send the message that you are not technology savvy.


Boost Your Online Interview Skills. Join others who have successfully "Aced the Zoom" Interview. 

Reach out to me today. We can have a conversation that determines what you need to focus on in order to feel comfortable on camera and how to get you to your next job. Quickly. 
